Who wrote the ACE Course?

Conrad Parsons

is married to Wendy with three young children: Natasha, Harmoni and William. He was commissioned as a

Church Army Evangelist in 1987 at the age of 22. Understanding Evangelists, his guide for loca"ng and encouraging new

evangelists in local churches, was published in 1996. He was awarded with dis"nc"on a Master of Arts in Evangelism

Studies at Cliff College, gradua"ng in 2000. His disserta"on focused on Postmodern Evangelism. In London he launched a

British charity, ‘Local Context’, which funded an interna"onal online learning community of new evangelists. He served in

Sydney as a Project Consultant for the Uni"ng Church of Australia, helping people start new mission projects, and is now

Na"onal Director of Youth For Christ. He con"nues to coach evangelists and help others take their next step.


Ian Robinson

is married to Margaret and their youngest of three is now twenty one. The children grew up in Sydney, while

Ian travelled widely for the Uni"ng Church to teach and train in mission and evangelism. He has also been a church planter

and a senior minister. Oh yes, he spent three wonderful and tes"ng years at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford. Most recently he has

been taking groups into the remote desert, and did a PhD to find out why that is nearly always life‐transforming. He is

currently a Chaplain at the University of Western Australia, Co‐convenor of the Bringing Them Home C’tee WA , and

director of Tall Trees a consultancy in Chris"an Leadership. He is an equipping evangelist and walks the dog.


Email Enquiries, Course Coordinator: Rev Dr Ian Robinson

Phone: 0417 687 746