What Tall Trees does - just for starters

Goal: Authentic Christian Engagement at the heart of community life

This is not the time for business-as-usual.

Within one generation, we will witness major changes in our civilization based on oil, our pattern of climate and our structure of industry. The food industry will lose nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, the fresh water will dwindle, the refugee and migration patterns accelerate, and numerous tribal fundamentalisms will be found to promise illusions. Where will we find the hope, the strength, the vision and the community to live better with less? How will be become that community?  How will we go there?

We can help. Tall Trees ReSource Inc is a consultancy in Christian leadership, with an Australia-wide vision. It builds from the leadership which Ian Robinson has been exercising nationally in three key areas :

  • MISSION OUTREACH   Ian has helped a wide variety of groups and churches to find their own authentic voice and be the Good News for this generation. He has helped non-religious leaders to find the strengths that really make a difference around them.

  • DESERT INREACH   Ian’s travel and study has uncovered the potential of desert journeys. This touches the depth of Spirit we all need if we are to love life’s journey and go the distance.

  • ROADS OF RECONCILIATION   Ian has actively joined in the journey of healing with Aboriginal Stolen Generations. He has seen Grace in action.

 That's what Tall Trees has Re-Sourced. Fresh perspective, grounded action, inspiration and motivation. These three areas are like the root, trunk and branches of a beautiful Australian tree, rested beside a dry river bed, drawing deep and reaching wide, and in the visions of Ezekiel and Jesus  it is a community 'where all the birds of the air find their rest'. 


Somehow, quite by accident, Tall Trees mirrors the programme of Jesus when he commenced his global community. Matthew 4 sketches it like this: the practised spirituality of the desert is followed by the healing work, leadership development and preaching the good news of God's awesome love. Not a bad role model for this time of new beginnings!  With Tall Trees, in other words, you can find  the Message and the Spirit to express in action the Reign of God.

Feedback to our programmes:

1. Offers training & mentoring programs for mission leaders.

“Ian is insightful and perceptive. He has been able to link his biblical theological reflections with his life experience and pastoral skills to meet my situation. I have found him to be decisive and he has helped bring clarity to my confusion. I have felt that Ian believes in and calls forth the best reflective practice from me.” Steve McKinnon, TEAR WA

2. Leads workshops infinding your own authentic voice’ in simply being your Christian self .

“Ian opens doors for all ages and stages, and draws out our unique faith stories. Highly Recommended.” Mark Illingworth, The Billabong, Canning Vale

3. Helps you to plan the mission with congregations, individuals, agencies, Synods/Dioceses and seminaries with a focus on how to sustain a mission that changes individuals and changes communities.

“Ian did not try to force us in any particular direction. Instead, he asked the right questions, of the right people, at the right time. With Ian’s guidance, we grew in confidence and were able to build our mission plan based on the dreams & visions of our whole congregation.” David Skinner, Chair &  Judy Siddins, Secretary, South Perth Uniting Church Council

4. Leads Spirit Journey retreats into the Australian deserts.

“On desert journeys, under the wide open sky, with distant horizons I have experienced a strong sense of community with my fellow travellers – re-connecting with myself, with nature and fellow human beings, with my direction in life, and a sense of spiritual connection and peace.” Emma Molloy, Environmental Engineer

5. Trains in Reconciliation through justice, truth and healing.

“In the years I have known him, Ian Robinson has been an inspiration in his demonstration as to how respectful communication can be effective between non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal people. He has shown leadership and compassion and is a great role model to those who wish to progress these issues of Reconciliation.” Debra Hocking, then Aboriginal Co-Chair ,Stolen Generations Alliance, Australia